If you’ve ever got any questions connected to your hosting account or if you encounter a problem with your sites, you will have to get in touch with the hosting provider’s technical support team. It may not matter how fast they’ll respond if you’ve got a query of a general nature, but an issue like a bungled web app update, for example, may lead to your site becoming broken or inaccessible on the Internet. And the longer you wait for the support team to lend you a helping hand, the longer the site will be offline. In case you offer goods or services online, any outage will influence your website negatively and you can lose existing or prospective visitors. Lots of web hosting providers, primarily resellers, respond to emails and support tickets within twenty four hours, but in the Internet epoch this is much too long, since customers will rarely come back to a site that isn’t working correctly for a lengthy interval.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting

Our guaranteed maximum response time for any helpdesk ticket that you post or any e-mail that you write is just 60 minutes, even if you contact us during weekends and official holidays. Whatever the nature of your issue or question may be, we’ll lend you a hand instantly and will provide you with the needed information to fix any problem with your websites. The real reaction time normally doesn’t surpass fifteen-twenty minutes, which suggests that you can just forget about waiting for hours and hours on end to get an issue solved or what’s even worse – waiting around one whole day only to get a reply that more info is necessary whilst nothing is fixed. We will assist you in a timely manner because we know exactly how priceless time can be in the dynamic digital realm. The one-hour response guarantee applies to any technical or billing query that you might have with regard to our cloud web hosting plans.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We promise that if you submit a client support ticket from your hosting Control Panel or write an email regarding your semi-dedicated server, you’ll get an answer within sixty minutes max. You can get in touch with us whenever you wish with regard to general, billing or technical issues and considering the fact that we will be at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, you’ll invariably obtain help in no time. Depending on the particular question or issue, we will supply you with more info, rectify the obstacle if it has been caused by something within our reach or tell you what steps to take if you need to alter a specific setting for a web-based app that we can’t access. You can just forget about waiting around for a day for each and every reply. In fact, in most cases we reply to emails and tickets within 20-25 minutes max.